MDS restored one of the front door stained glass windows at this amazing National Trust property.
Mr Straw's House is a step back in time to the 1920s where you can discover how a grocer's family lived in a Midlands market town through their furnishings and household objects. The modest semi-detached house at number 7, Blyth Grove has remained virtually unchanged since the Straws moved here in 1923. For over 60 years they threw little away and chose to live without many of the modern comforts we take for granted today.
Treasured possessions and ordinary domestic items can still be seen exactly where their owners left them in number 7, while number 5 provides space for displaying objects normally hidden inside drawers and cupboards.
Outside, the lovingly tended garden and orchard includes a greenhouse housing Walter Straw's cacti collection and various fruit trees once used by the family to make preserves and other recipes.
You can read more about Mr Straw's House on the National Trust Website.
